23-year-old self-taught IT expert breaks the norm to launch his agency

2 min readJul 2, 2020


Young innovative IT solutions expert, Steven Correa, launched his creative agency, THRV, after diverting from the easy 9 to 5 path

Steven Correa launched his digital creative agency in 2017 at the relatively young age of 23. While his peers went after seemingly high paying jobs after leaving college, Steven had other ideas, and it did not include being confined to a cubicle taking orders from a boss. His decision to enter the fray of entrepreneurship was particularly interesting, considering his background and struggles growing up.

It seems to be a system of robots, taught to think the same or memorize outdated information based on being able to regurgitate for an exam. Then we give you a diploma, smack a hat on your head, and say congrats, you’re an adult. An adult with false hopes destined to join a conformist workforce put in place to hinder all creatively and ambition. I quickly knew this wasn’t the path for me. So in a generation majorly influenced by smartphones, plus my background in computer programming, I dropped everything I was doing and began to study the app development space,” said Steven Correa in an interview.

There has been increased access to the internet in the last two decades, with technological advancements leading to the popularity of smart mobile devices. The need for people to access information online has fueled dramatic access to the internet. One individual that has leveraged the smartphone-influenced generation to disrupt the IT industry is Steven Correa, thanks to his background in computer programming.

The late nights spent researching and learning new IT skills and a couple of months of being homeless squeezing in naps on friends couches or in his car to recharge paid off as Steven emerged in the grandest ways possible. He launched THRV Digital in 2017, and one can rightly say that the rest is history.

THRV focuses on developing digital products and platforms that leave lasting impressions for businesses across different industries. In just over two years, the company has built a reputation for closely working with clients to magnify their vision and creating world-class brands their customers will inevitably love. THRV Digital has a formidable team of highly experienced, well trained and passionate professionals. Thanks to the unique combination of quality and affordability, THRV has continued to rank as one of the most sought-after brands in the industry.

